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Focus Groups & Mock Trials

The most important thing about your case is what your audience thinks about it. Focus groups and mock trials give you a chance to hear jury eligible community members discuss the strengths and weaknesses of your case. (To learn the difference between a focus group and mock trial, please see our FAQ page.) You will learn what aspects of the case are most important to jurors and what aspects need further clarification. You will also learn which witnesses are not well received and the effectiveness of demonstrative evidence. 

With this information, 
Bradshaw Litigation Consulting can provide you with a complete case evaluation and risk assessment. Every focus group and mock trial we conduct is tailor made for the specific case. We begin by evaluating all case material and meeting with members of your firm to discuss your options and recommend a strategy. We then make all logistical arrangements (e.g., research facility, 

recruitment of participants) and prepare all stimulus materials, questionnaires, and confidentiality agreements. 

Our written report of this research includes strengths and weaknesses for all parties, recommended themes, and evaluation of any other case specific topic that needs to be addressed.